Hey, long time no see! Life in Hong Kong is pretty keen. It’s like this every weekend right now:

“The things I go through to buy toys around here!”
photo credit: Truth Media Hong Kong
Fun fact: I buy Lego at the shopping mall in the backgorund.
Anyway, ten years ago, LoveHKFilm published this:
The Best Hong Kong Films of the 2000s
That feature on the Damn You Kozo blog turned out to be the most popular thing this site ever did – yes, even more popular than our review of SEX AND CHOPSTICKS. I ultimately ran the feature into the ground, following it with Best 90s Movies and Best 80s Movies reader votes. In early 2013, we ran the Best Hong Kong Movies Ever reader vote, complemented by a Best Hong Kong Film Performances Ever list. Then I stopped updating the blog and, five years later, the website too. That’s it. The end. Finito.
That is, until today, because we’re going to be doing this all over again. Not add reviews to the website (it’s going to be a while before that happens again); we’re going to run a reader vote for the Best Hong Kong Films of the 2010s. Yes, despite not reviewing anything after the year 2016, this website is going to claim the authority to oversee a poll anointing the best Hong Kong films of the past decade. I really have no shame.

“He has no shame? Man, the nerve of this guy!
You’re talking to THE expert of having no shame!”
As usual, this is a list of popular films, a.k.a. films that people actually watched, so despite cinema like KICK ASS GIRLS being eligible for these awards, it’s doubtful that it’ll ever place. This is a poll where people can vote for the movies they actually enjoyed, and if you didn’t see a majority or even 50 of these films, that’s OK. The only thing Iask is that not all the films on your list star Donnie Yen, Shawn Yue, or either/or of the Twins. Seriously, add some fiber to your movie diet, like maybe a screening of THE DRUNKARD.

“That’s enough, Gillian. I’ve carried you for almost two decades.”
So yeah, if your list is all Yon Fan or Barbara Wong movies, that would be concerning. Likewise, if all your movies are directed by Patrick Kong or star Wong Cho-lam, you need more than just a new Netflix queue – you could use a whole re-evaluation of your ability to appreciate cinema.
Granted, you could probably justify a list with 10 Louis Koo movies because the guy appeared in 90% of anything anyone saw. So yeah, go ahead and vote for your faves, even if STRAWBERRY CLIFF is one of them.

“You know my name.”
Besides the last ten years being the Decade of the Tanned One™, it’s hard to say what or who else made an impact. Sure, Donnie Yen went supernova after years of hovering near the A-list, but the 2010s were more notable for who/what fell instead of who/what gained ground. Great directors and actors worked less, output dropped, and new stars and filmmakers barely registered. Besides consistent output from veteran filmmakers (Tsui Hark and Ann Hui among them), it’s honestly become harder to identify the standout films. This past decade did not have an INFERNAL AFFAIRS or a CHUNGKING EXPRESS. I’m curious to see what’ll actually make the Top Ten.
There was one movie, however, that’s guaranteed to place Top 3 if not take the top spot. You know what it is:

Explosive feces: Truly the cinema high point of the decade.
I’m kidding of course. I do have an actual film in mind but I’d rather not prejudice matters by mentioning it here. It’s obviously not ICEMAN 3D. Or SWITCH.
Right now, I don’t know if this will be a list of 25, 50 or 100 films. It all depends on how many people vote. The previous Best Films of the 2000s list was originally 25 films but got expanded to 50 after a surprising turnout. The best case scenario is probably something like 75-125 people voting. We’ll see what happens, but the last thing I want is for films to make it to the Top 50 because one person voted for it. I already have nightmares about THE BEST PLAN IS NO PLAN somehow making it to Number 46.
So let’s just jump into this damn thing and add another reader vote to the pile. Will this be the last one that LoveHKFilm.com does? I refuse to confirm or deny any plans to create further reader votes, but if participation is good, maybe we can have another one in another few years. So tell your friends on your favorite social media platform of choice to join the vote! Just make sure they actually like Hong Kong movies, or you’ll probably lose some friends.
And no, they can’t vote for PARASITE. That’s Korean.

“Hello Hong Kong Cinema, this is Korean Cinema
poking you in the face!”
So here we go: the rules. Yeah, sorry, there are rules. This isn’t some lawless land where you can do and say whatever you want with absolutely no consequences like in American politics. No, you actually have to *gasp* read instructions and follow along.
The vote starts RIGHT NOW. Really, it just started. You’re wasting time by not voting right away.
The vote ends on March 6th, 2020. Why March 6th? Well, I figure people could use a few weeks to catch up on a film or two, plus I’m going on a business trip in early March, so I won’t be able to look at the final vote tally until afterwards, anyway. I could push the deadline if necessary, but right now I think I’ll stick with it.
As for publishing the results, well, I have absolutely no timeline for that. Logically, I’d like to get it all done by April or May but I think the chances of my wife and I having a third child are greater than that happening. And the performance of our second child has pretty much ended our desire to have a third. This is the same reason why there is no STORM RIDERS 3.

“Are you done with the rules yet?
Because I’m only pretending to pay attention.”
OK, time for some vaguely recycled content a.k.a. the official rules for voting.
1. Use the LoveHKFilm.com Contact Form to send us a list of your Best Hong Kong Films of the 2010s.
2. You may list either 10 or 20 films* on your vote, and rank them with #1 being the top-rated film and #10 or #20 being the worst of the bunch.
*As in previous votes, you can vote for either 10 or 20 movies. Please note that this WILL make a difference for the points that your films get. If you vote for only 10 films, then #1 gets 10 points, #2 gets 9 points, and so on. However, if you vote for 20 films, then #1 gets 10 points and #2 gets 9.5 points, with #20 finally getting a miniscule 0.5 points. Voting for 20 films means 1/2 point steps between each film, as opposed to the 1 point step between each film that you would get when voting for 10 films.
So, please order your lists from 1 to 10 or from 1 to 20. If you don’t clearly order your list, I’ll only give each film a single point. If one of those films is your favorite film, well, that’ll suck.
In case any films receive the same number of points, there are two tie-breakers: 1) The number of first-place votes, i.e., it was placed #1 on someone’s list; and 2) The total number of votes, i.e., how many people actually voted for the film. Really, this is important. It’s how KUNG FU HUSTLE beat MY WIFE is 18.
I went more into detail on this point system in previous editions, so I’m not going to overdo the explanation here. It’s worked for us many times before.
3. Movies that qualify: I HAVE A LIST AND IT’S AT THE END OF THIS POST.
Previously I had to create funky rules to decide which films would qualify – rules that became increasingly more nonsensical as Hong Kong and China film became more and more intertwined – but now I have a full list of all the movies released in the past decade that qualified for the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards. That means it’s pretty much official: We’re going with these movies.
If you still must quibble, go right ahead, but chances are I won’t bend this rule because I’m using something that was once used to reward Stephy Tang with a Best Actress award. And if it gave Stephy a win, it can’t be wrong.

“Finally, something to decorate my bathroom!”
Necessary disclosure: I am a member of the Hong Kong Film Critics Society. But did I vote for Stephy? That would be telling.
4. You can only vote for individual films and not full series of films, e.g., no voting for THE WHITE STORM movies or THE FOUR trilogy as a single film – though if you actually do vote for THE FOUR trilogy, you have bigger problems than not following our rules.
Anyway, when in doubt, default to the LIST.
5. Please type in the subject line of your email: “BEST 2010s FILMS”.
The content above is self-explanatory.
6. It’s optional, but you can write a few sentences or words about your selections. I may end up using your words when the results are published. If I do quote you, I’ll also add a link to your blog, Twitter, Instagram or Tinder profile, if that’s what you want. Because that’s why we do everything nowadays, isn’t it? FOR EXPOSURE.
7. Send in your votes by end of day on March 6th, 2020. I’m not pushing the whole GMT, PST, EST thing so there’s some leeway. As long as I don’t get your vote on March 7th, you’ll be fine. That is, unless I push the deadline, in which case I will accept votes on March 7th or later. Ah, we’ll figure it out.

“You really expect us to follow all those rules? And ICEMAN 3D was rad!”
So that’s it, go on and get voting, plus tell all your Hong Kong movie-loving friends to send us a list, even if they use fake names or email addresses. You have a while to put a list together, so feel free to ask questions or discuss in the comments below, or on the LoveHKFilm Facebook Group (if you’re a member - and if not please join and PLEASE answer the test questions so that we actually allow you in) or on Twitter or wherever.
I may drop reminders about this thing on social media from time to time, especially if turnout looks bad. Worst case scenario: We end up with just a Top 10. Best case scenario? A Top 100 list of Hong Kong films, plus a cure for the Wuhan Coronavirus, an end to the CCP’s bizarre authoritarian attitude towards stuff that goes on in other countries, a solution to the horrid partisan politics afflicting the USA, and an end to all online bullying regardless of whether it’s “punching down” or “punching up”. If we all work together I’m sure we can solve one of those problems.
Actually, we probably can’t, but a Top 50 list of the Best Hong Kong Films of the 2010s is surely within our reach, isn’t it? The Ageless One roots for us:

“I’m sure you’ll choose worthy films,
For some reason I really like those movies.”
The Official List of Hong Kong films from the 2010s
Please refer to this list when asking which HK/China movies from the last decade qualify for this reader vote. The list was drawn from the official roster of films that qualified for the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards over the past decade. You might think some films are missing – I personally wonder why THE CROSSING (2019) is not here, but whatever, I don’t make the rules for their list.
Besides, having another CROSSING can make it confusing because of THE CROSSING 1 – you know, that movie from the director of MANHUNT. Also, I have no idea why or how 2017 gave us TOURNAMENT 2 and TOURNAMENT 5, but no TOURNAMENT 3 or 4. I saw neither TOURNAMENT 2 nor TOURNAMENT 5 because I was busy changing diapers.
I’ve included both English and Chinese titles here in case you want to do an online search for, uh, legal research purposes.
Over at Letterboxd, user Tarryn-tino has put together a visual list of nearly all the eligible films. The Letterboxd database doesn’t contain all the titles below, but it’s still the vast majority and a more useful and interesting way to browse the movies.
14 Blades 錦衣衛
72 Tenants of Prosperity 七十二家租客
Adventure of the King 龍鳳店
All About Love 得閒炒飯
All’s Well End’s Well Too 2010 花田囍事2010
Amphetamine 安非他命
Bad Blood 滅門
Beauty on Duty 美麗密令
Black Ransom 撕票風雲
Break Up Club 分手說愛你
Breaking the Willow 鳳冠情事
Bruce Lee, My Brother 李小龍
City Under Siege 全城戒備
Confucius 孔子之決戰春秋
Crossing Hennessy 月滿軒尼詩
Curse of the Deserted 荒村公寓
Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame 狄仁傑之通天帝國
Don Quixote 魔俠傳之唐吉可德
Dream Home 維多利亞壹號
Echoes of the Rainbow 歲月神偷
EX 前度
Fire of Conscience 火龍
Flirting Scholar 2 唐伯虎點秋香2之四大才子
Frozen 為你鍾情
Future X-Cops 未來警察
Gallants 打擂台
Girls 囡囡
Hot Summer Days 全城熱戀熱辣辣
Ip Man 2 葉問2
Just Another Pandora’s Box 越光寶盒
Kung Fu Hip Hop 2 精舞門2
La Comedie Humaine 人間喜劇
Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen 精武風雲.陳真
Like a Dream 如夢
Little Big Soldier 大兵小將
Little Gobie 3D 反斗高比玩轉聖誕城
Love in a Puff 志明與春嬌
Marriage with a Liar 婚前試愛
Merry Go-Round 東風破
My Fair Gentleman 窈窕紳士
Once a Gangster 飛砂風中轉
Perfect Wedding 抱抱俏佳人
Reign of Assassins 劍雨
Revenge: A Love Story 復仇者之死
The Child’s Eye 童眼
The Drunkard 酒徒
The Fantastic Water Babes 出水芙蓉
The Haunting Lover 借室還魂
The Jade and the Pearl 翡翠明珠
The Legend Is Born - Ip Man 葉問前傳
The Most Dangerous Man 最危險人物
The Stool Pigeon 綫人
Triple Tap 鎗王之王
Vampire Warriors 殭屍新戰士
Womb Ghosts 惡胎
1911 辛亥革命
3D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy 3D肉蒲團之極樂寶鑑
A Beautiful Life 不再讓你孤單
A Chinese Ghost Story 聊齋之倩女幽魂
A Simple Life 桃姐
All’s Well End’s Well 2011 最強囍事
Beach Spike 熱浪球愛戰
Big Blue Lake 大藍湖
Choy Lee Fut 蔡李佛
Datong: The Great Society 大同:康有為在瑞典
Demon 2 毒禍2
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart 單身男女
East Meets West 2011 東成西就 2011
Hi Fidelity 出軌的女人
Hong Kong Ghost Stories 猛鬼愛情故事
I Love Hong Kong 我愛HK開心萬歲
Lan Kwai Fong 喜愛夜蒲
Legendary Amazons 楊門女將之軍令如山
Let the Bullets Fly 讓子彈飛
Let’s Go! 保衛戰隊之出動喇!朋友!
Life Without Principle 奪命金
Love in Space 全球熱戀
Love is the Only Answer 人約離婚後
Lover’s Discourse 戀人絮語
Magic to Win 開心魔法
Men Suddenly in Love 猛男滾死隊
Micro Sex Office 潮性辦公室
Mr. & Mrs. Single 隱婚男女
Mr.& Mrs. Incredible 神奇俠侶
Mural 畫壁
My Ex-wife’s Wedding 翻叮我老婆
One Nation, Two Cities 一國雙城
Overheard 2 竊聽風雲2
Punished 報應
Roomless 不設房
Shaolin 新少林寺
Sleepwalker in 3D 夢遊
Strawberry Cliff 贖命
Summer Love Love 戀夏戀夏戀戀下
The 33D Invader 蜜桃成熟時33D
The Days of Noah 2: Apocalypse 挪亞方舟驚世啟示2
The Detective 2 B+偵探
The Flying Swords of Dragon Gate 龍門飛甲
The Fortune Buddies 勁抽福祿壽
The Killer Who Never Kills 殺手歐陽盆栽
The Lost Bladesman 關雲長
The Road Less Traveled 一路有你
The Way We Were 算吧啦,老豆!
The Woman Knight of Mirror Lake 競雄女俠秋瑾
Treasure Hunt 無價之寶
Treasure Inn 財神客棧
Turning Point 2 - Laughing Gor 之潛罪犯
Virtual Recall 異空危情
What Women Want 我知女人心
White Vengeance 鴻門宴
Wu Xia 武俠
All’s Well End’s Well 2012 八星抱喜
Chinese Zodiac (CZ12) 十二生肖
Cold War 寒戰
Coweb 戰‧無雙
Cross 第6誡
Diva 華麗之後
Due West 3D 一路向西
Fairy Tale Killer 追凶
Floating City 浮城
I Love Hong Kong 2012 2012我愛HK 喜上加囍
Lacuna 斷了片
Lan Kwai Fong II 喜愛夜蒲2
Lives In Flames 起勢搖滾
Love Actually… Sucks 愛很爛
Love in the Buff 春嬌與志明
Love in Time 等‧我愛你
Love is Pyjamas 男人如衣服
Love Lifting 高舉‧愛
Love Me Not 不能愛
Marrying Mr. Perfect 嫁個100分男人
McDull: The Pork of Music 麥兜‧噹噹伴我心
Motorway 車手
Mr. & Mrs. Gambler 爛賭夫鬥爛賭妻
My Sassy Hubby 我老婆唔夠秤2之我老公唔生性
My Way 乾旦路
Naked Human Nature 赤裸人性
Naked Soldier 絕色武器
Natural Born Lovers 天生愛情狂
Night Fall 大追捕
Passion Island 熱愛島
Romancing In Thin Air 高海拔之戀II
Shadows of Love 影子愛人
Speed Angels 極速天使
Supercapitalist 商戰
Tai Chi 0 太極1從零開始
Tai Chi Hero 太極2英雄崛起
The Allure of Tears 傾城之淚
The Bounty 懸紅
The Bullet Vanishes 消失的子彈
The Cases 魕
The Four 四大名捕
The Great Magician 大魔術師
The Guillotines 血滴子
The Last Tycoon 大上海
The Lion Roars 2 河東獅吼2
The Second Woman 情謎
The Silent War 聽風者
The Viral Factor 逆戰
Triad 紮職
Vulgaria 低俗喜劇
Wu Dang 大武當之天地密碼
3D Baby Blues 詭嬰
4 in Life 四季人生
A Complicated Story 一個複雜故事
A Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons 西遊‧降魔篇
A Secret Between Us 第一次不是你
American Dreams in China 中國合伙人
As the Light Goes Out 救火英雄
Badges of Fury 不二神探
Bends 過界
Blind Detective 盲探
Christmas Rose 聖誕玫瑰
Conspirators 同謀
Doomsday Party 末日派對
Drug War 毒戰
Finding Mr. Right 北京遇上西雅圖
Firestorm 風暴
Hardcore Comedy 重口味
Hotel Deluxe 百星酒店
I Love Hong Kong 2013 2013 我愛HK恭囍發財
I Love You, Mom 媽媽,我愛您
Inferno 3D 逃出生天
Ip Man: The Final Fight 葉問—終極一戰
Kick Ass Girls 爆3俏嬌娃
Lan Kwai Fong 3 喜愛夜蒲3
May We Chat 微交少女
Mr. & Mrs. Player 爛滾夫鬥爛滾妻
Princess and Seven Kung-fu Masters 笑功震武林
Probation Order 澀青 298-03
Rigor Mortis 殭屍
Saving General Yang 忠烈楊家將
SDU: Sex Duties Unit 飛虎出征
Special ID 特殊身份
Tales from the Dark 1 李碧華鬼魅系列之迷離夜
Tales from the Dark 2 李碧華鬼魅系列奇幻夜
The Best Plan Is No Plan 溝女不離三兄弟
The Constable 衝鋒戰警
The Four 2 四大名捕 2
The Grandmaster 一代宗師
The Incredible Truth 瘟泉
The Midas Touch 超級經理人
The Stolen Years 被偷走的那五年
The Way We Dance 狂舞派
The White Storm 掃毒
Together 在一起
Unbeatable 激戰
When C goes to G7 當C遇上G7
Young and Dangerous: Reloaded 古惑仔:江湖新秩序
Young Detective Dee: Rise fo the Sea Dragon 狄仁傑之神都龍王
Aberdeen 香港仔
Black Comedy 黑色喜劇
Boundless 無涯:杜琪峯的電影世界
Break Up 100 分手100次
Control 控制
Dearest 親愛的
Delete My Love Delete愛人
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart 2 單身男女2
Dot 2 Dot 點對點
Enthralled 愛.尋.迷
Flirting In The Air 唐伯虎衝上雲霄
From Vegas to Macau 賭城風雲
Gangster Payday 大茶飯
Girls 閨密
Golden Brother 男人唔可以窮
Golden Chickensss 金雞SSS
Grey Met Shrek 奇緣灰姑娘
Hello Babies 六福喜事
Horseplay 盜馬記
Hungry Ghost Ritual 盂蘭神功
I Sell Love 販賣。愛
Iceman 3D 冰封俠:重生之門
Insanity 暴瘋語
Kung Fu Angels 青春鬥
Kung Fu Jungle 一個人的武林
Lock Me Up Tie Him Down 完美假妻168
McDull: Me & My Mum 麥兜.我和我媽媽
Mortician 臨終囧事
My Voice My Life 爭氣
Naïve 不是白痴
Naked Ambition 2 3D豪情
Once Upon A Time in Shanghai 惡戰
Overheard 3 竊聽風雲3
Revelation of Ghost Marriage 冥婚啟示
Rise of the Legend 黃飛鴻之英雄有夢
S for Sex, S for Secret 小姐誘心
Sand Pebbles 大浪淘沙
Sara 雛妓
Sifu VS Vampire 天師鬥殭屍
Temporary Family 失戀急讓
The Crossing 1 太平輪:亂世浮生
The Demon Within 魔警
The Four 3 四大名捕大結局
The Golden Era 黃金時代
The Midnight After 那夜凌晨,我坐上了旺角開往大埔的紅VAN
The Monkey King 西遊記之大鬧天宮
The Second Coming 重生
The Seventh Lie 第7謊言
The Truth About Beauty 整容日記
The White Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom 白髮魔女傳之明月天國
The Wrath Of Vajra 金剛王︰死亡救贖
Twilight Online 恐怖在線
Voyage 遊
Women Who Flirt 撒嬌女人最好命
Z Storm Z風暴
Zombie Fight Club 屍城
12 Golden Ducks 12金鴨
A Tale of Three Cities 三城記
All You Need Is Love 落跑吧愛情
An Inspector Calls 浮華宴
Angel Whispers 花街柳巷
Anniversary 紀念日
Are You Here 碟仙碟仙
Big Fortune Hotel 吉祥酒店
Bride Wars 新娘大作戰
Crazy New Year’s Eve 一路驚喜
Daughter 上身
Dragon Blade 天將雄師
From Vegas to Macau II 賭城風雲II
Full Strike 全力扣殺
Get Outta Here 死開啲啦
Guia in Love 燈塔下的戀人
Guilty 四非
Heaven in the Dark 暗色天堂
Helios 赤道
I am Somebody 我是路人甲
Imprisoned: Survival Guide for Rich and Prodigal 壹獄壹世界:高登闊少踎監日記
Ip Man 3 葉問3
Keeper of Darkness 陀地驅魔人
Knock Knock Who’s There? 有客到\
Lazy Hazy Crazy 同班同學
Little Big Master 五個小孩的校長
Lost and Love 失孤
Lost in Wrestling 搏擊奇緣
Love Detective 沒女神探
Lucky Star 2015 吉星高照2015
Missed Out 錯過
Monster Hunt 捉妖記
Murmur of the Hearts 念念
New York, New York 紐約紐約
Office 華麗上班族
One Night in Taipei 台北夜蒲團團轉
Paris Holiday 巴黎假期
Port of Call 踏血尋梅
Return of the Cuckoo 十月初五的月光
She Remembers, He Forgets 哪一天我們會飛
SPL 2: A Time for Consequences 殺破狼II
Super Model 色模
Ten Years 十年
The Crossing 2 太平輪:驚濤摯愛
The Gigolo 鴨王
The Last Crayon 最後一枝蠟筆
The Merger 我們停戰吧
The Murderer Vanishes 消失的兇手
The Taking of Tiger Mountain 智取威虎山
The Unbearable Lightness of Inspector Fan 暴走神探
To the Fore 破風
Triumph in the Skies 衝上雲霄
Two Thumbs Up 衝鋒車
Undercover Duet 猛龍特囧
When Geek Meets Serial Killer 野狼與瑪莉
Wild City 迷城
Wonder Mama 媽咪俠
Wong Ka Yan 王家欣
Zhong Kui: Snow Girl and the Dark Crystal 鍾馗伏魔:雪妖魔靈
A Chinese Odyssey Part Three 大話西遊III
Book of Love 北京遇上西雅圖之不二情書
Buddy Cops 刑警兄弟
Bully 施壓者
Call of Heroes 危城
Cold War II 寒戰II
Drink Drank Drunk 3條友飲醉走
Final Project 玩謝大師
Fooling Around Jiang Hu 江湖悲劇
From Vegas to Macau III 賭城風雲III
Girl of the Big House 寶貝當家
Good Take! Good Take!
Good Take, Too! 打開我天空
Happiness 幸運是我
Heartfall Arises 驚心破
House Of Wolves 惡人谷
I Love That Crazy Little Thing 那件瘋狂的小事叫愛情
iGirl i Girl 夢情人
In The Room 無限春光27
Kidnap Ding Ding Don 綁架丁丁當
Kill Time 謀殺似水年華
L for Love L for Lies Too 失戀日
League of Gods 封神傳奇
Les Aventures D’Anthony 陪安東尼度過漫長歲月
Line Walker 使徒行者
Love in Late Autumn 愛在深秋
Mad World 一念無明
McDull: Rise of The Rice Cooker 麥兜‧飯寶奇兵
Mission Milano 偷天特務
My Wife Is a Superstar 我老婆係明星
Nessun Dorma 兇手還未睡
Nowhere to Hide! 男極探射燈
Operation Mekong 湄公河行動
PG Love PG戀愛指引
Phantom of the Theatre 魔宮魅影
Robbery 老笠
S Storm S風暴
See You Tomorrow 擺渡人
Shed Skin Papa 脫皮爸爸
Show Me Your Love 大手牽小手
Sky on Fire 沖天火
Snuggle 伴生
Soul Mate 七月與安生
Special Female Force 辣警霸王花
Sword Master 三少爺的劍
The Bodyguard 特工爺爺
The Cases II 魕異
The Gigolo 2 鴨王2
The Kid From The Big Apple 我來自紐約
The Last Race 終極勝利
The Menu 導火新聞線
The Mermaid 美人魚
The Mobfathers 選老頂
The Monkey King 2 西遊記之孫悟空三打白骨精
The Moment 此情此刻
The Posterist 海報師:阮大勇的插畫藝術
The Secret 消失的愛人
The Taste of Youth 少年滋味
Three 三人行
Tournament 極鬪
Trivisa 樹大招風
Utopians 同流合烏
Weeds on Fire 點五步
Yellowing 亂世備忘
29+1 29+1
77 Heartbreaks 原諒他77次
A Nail Clipper Romance 指甲刀人魔
Adieu 告別之前
All My Goddess 女人永遠是對的
Always Be With You 常在你左右
Bio Raiders 生化藥屍
Bleeding Steel 機器之血
Chasing the Dragon 追龍
Cherry Returns 那年夏天你去了哪裏
Colour of the Game 黑白迷宮
Cook up a Storm 決戰食神
Dealer Healer 毒。誡
Extraordinary Mission 非凡任務
Ghost Net 鬼網
God of War 蕩寇風雲
Goldbuster 妖鈴鈴
Hong Kong Master 香港大師
Husband Killers 女士復仇
In Your Dreams 以青春的名義
Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back 西遊伏妖篇
Kung Fu Yoga 功夫瑜伽
L.A. LOL 我老婆未結婚
Legend of the Naga Pearls 鮫珠傳
Lost in the Fumes 地厚天高
Love Contractually 合約男女
Love Education 相愛相親
Love Off the Cuff 春嬌救志明
Lucky Fat Man 我要發達
Manhunt 追捕
Members Only 私人會所
Meow 喵星人
Mrs K Mrs K
Never Too Late 愛情奴隸獸
Our Days in 6E 我們的6E班
Our Shining Days 閃光少女
Our Time Will Come 明月幾時有
Paradox 殺破狼.貪狼
Shining Moment 燦爛這一刻
Shock Wave 拆彈專家
Sisterhood 骨妹
Somewhere Beyond the Mist 藍天白雲
The Adventurers 俠盜聯盟
The Brink 狂獸
The Empty Hands 空手道
The Founding of an Army 建軍大業
The Sinking City: Capsule Odyssey 西謊極落:太爆.太子.太空艙
The Sleep Curse 失眠
The Thousand Faces of Dunjia 奇門遁甲
The Vanished Archives 消失的檔案
The White Girl 白色女孩
The Yuppie Fantasia 3 小男人週記3之吾家有喜
Thirty Years of Adonis 三十儿立
This Is Not What I Expected 喜歡.你
To Love or Not To Love 初戀日記:賤男蜜擾
Tournament 2 極闘2
Tournament 5 極闘5之雙殺
Vampire Cleanup Department 救殭清道夫
War of the Youth 青春戰記
With Prisoners 同囚
Wu Kong 悟空傳
Zombiology: Enjoy Yourself Tonight 今晚打喪屍
A Beautiful Moment 我的情敵女婿
A City Called Macau 媽閣是座城
A Family Tour 自由行
Agent Mr. Chan 棟篤特工
Big Brother 大師兄
Buyer Beware 吉屋
Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings 狄仁傑之四大天王
Distinction 非同凡響
Europe Raiders 歐洲攻略
G Affairs G殺
Girls VS Gangsters 閨蜜2之單挑越南黑幫
Golden Job 黃金兄弟
Guilty 有罪
Havana Divas 古巴花旦
Hotel Soul Good 女皇撞到正
House of the Rising Sons 兄弟班
I Miss You When I See You 看見你便想念你
Iceman: The Time Traveler 冰封俠時空行者
Impossible is Possible 舞可能
I’ve Got the Blues 水底行走的人
Keep Calm and Be a Superstar 臥底巨星
Keyboard Warriors 起底組
Kung Fu League 功夫聯盟
L Storm L風暴
Love Only 宇宙有愛浪漫同遊
Love Revolution 愛.革命
Lucid Dreams 八步半喜怒哀樂
Lucky Year Of Pig 豬年運程
Master Z : The Ip Man Legacy 葉問外傳:張天志
Men On The Dragon 逆流大叔
Monster Hunt 2 捉妖記2
Mysterious Fighter Project A 吃貨神探之獵獸行動
Napping Kid 逆向誘拐
No. 1 Chung Ying Street 中英街1號
Operation Red Sea 紅海行動
Paws-Men 毛俠
Project Gutenberg 無雙
Rhapsody of Kidnapping 3個綁匪7條心
Still Human 淪落人
The Big Call 猜猜我是誰
The Fatal Raid 不義之戰
The Lady Improper 非分熟女
The Leakers 洩密者們
The Lingering 古宅
The Liquidator 心理罪之城市之光
The Monkey King 3 西遊記女兒國
The Supernormal 3 大迷信之3潮爆開運王
The Trough 低壓槽
Three Husbands 三夫
Tournament 4 極闘4之暴殺令
Tracey 翠絲
War Of The Youth 2: Load Reload 青春戰記2:來得及再愛你
When Sun Meets Moon 某日某月
Wine War 搶紅
A Home with a View 家和萬事驚
A Journey of Happiness 玩轉全家福
A Lifetime Treasure 如珠如寶
A Witness Out of the Blue 犯罪現場
Bamboo Theatre 戲棚
Better Days 少年的你
Beyond The Dream 幻愛
Binding Souls 綁靈
Bodies at Rest 沉默的證人
Chasing the Dragon II: Wild Wild Bunch 追龍II:賊王
Dearest Anita 朝花夕拾‧芳華絕代
Deception of the Novelist 作家的謊言:筆忠誘罪
Double World 征途
Fagara 花椒之味
Fatal Visit 聖荷西謀殺案
Guilt by Design 催眠·裁決
I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change! 你咪理,我愛你!
I’m Living It 麥路人
Integrity 廉政風雲煙幕
Ip Man 4: The Finale 葉問4
Kung Fu Monster 武林怪獸
Line Walker 2 使徒行者:諜影行動
Lion Rock 獅子山上
Little Q 小Q
Missbehavior 恭喜八婆
Missing 失蹤
My Prince Edward 金都
P Storm P風暴
Suk Suk 《叔.叔》
The Abortionist 墮胎師
The Captain 中國機長
The Climbers 攀登者
The Fallen 墮落花
The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes - The Greatest Jail-Breaker
The Invincible Dragon 九龍不敗
The New King Of Comedy 新喜劇之王
The Rookies 素人特工
The Secret Diary of A Mom To Be BABY復仇記
The White Storm 2: Drug Lords 掃毒2天地對決
Till We Meet Again 生前約死後
Undercover Punch and Gun 潛行者
Walk With Me 雙魂
We Are Legend 入鐵籠