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Musings from the Edge of Forever

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On their homepage, Dragon Models, Ltd. has announced that figures based on characters from Benny Chan’s Shaolin (2011) are “coming soon” to toy stores, presumably in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Since I live in the currently snow-covered town of Ann Arbor, MI, I’ll have to rely on my friends overseas to keep me informed of the actual release date.

In the near future, toy collectors can look forward to ponying up some serious dough for super-detailed figures of warlord-turned-Shaolin monk Huo Jie (Andy Lau), Cao Man (Nicholas Tse), Wudao (Jackie Chan), Jing Neng (Wu Jing), Jing Kong (Xing Yu), and Suo Xiang-Tu (Hung Yan Yan). Two of these figures even come with horses to play with, so I suppose when you’re tired of re-enacting your favorite scenes from the movie, Andy and Nic can take Barbie and Skipper for a ride. Click on the thumbnails below to get a slightly better look at all the figures in the proposed series.





Pictures courtesy of Dragon Models, Ltd.

3 Responses to “LoveHKToys: SHAOLIN”

  1. Wongsaurus Says:

    Dragon Models (DML) released many desirable HK/China movie figures over the last two decades. Collecting them once was an affordable hobby but not anymore. Even though I have a bunch of them, I’ll be passing on these just as I did on the very limited release of Detective Dee figures. The last time I acquired any Dragon movie figures was when I got Flying Snow(Maggie Cheung) and Moon(Zhang Ziyi) from HERO.

  2. Webmaster Kozo Says:

    Ditto on the DML figures being unaffordable now, plus their quality is way eclipsed by Enterbay and Hot Toys. It’s a shame since they seem to get more Asian film licenses than the other companies.

  3. Calvin McMillin Says:

    Yeah, the few Dragon Models figures I have were priced affordably (read: on sale), although I regret not picking up that Jackie Chan DRAGON LORD figure at Art of Toy in SF. Anyway, I just stumbled onto pictures of those Detective Dee figures online while researching the SHAOLIN release; I totally missed the news of their announcement. Thinking of doing a weekly “look back” (or preview, depending on figure announcements) of HK-related figures made by Dragon Models, Hot Toys, and Enterbay.

    Oh, as to Dragon Models’ likenesses, that prototype doesn’t look like Nic Tse to me.

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